going through my phone this morning and decided to share some pics and thoughts that they provoke...
These two just make me laugh... especially the storm trooper... I imagine that its Heath in the suit... ha ha
Mike Vanderpool (a former youth pastor of mine) sent me this a few days ago with the caption: "Look, they named a candy bar after you"
Theres nothing funny about racism Mr. Vanderpool... except this
This is my senior pastor... (wonder if he reads this)
About 10 weeks until camp 07 and I am so jacked up!!! Its going to be the best camp ever... I am working on the shirts this week... best ever I promise
Ok, thats all for now... leave me some comments... make me laugh and to the E1 Crew.... dont come alone tonight... I want 30 people there TONIGHT!!! Lets make it happen...
ya need a serif (the lil thingy on the ends) on the H in the logo... ;) and that pic of steve is hilarious! haha
hope you have a great night! lylab :)
Matt man I missed meeting with you on Monday. I finished my message on Anger that I was telling you about so I think I might bring is this Monday and get your insight.
My thoughts on these pics: #1 weird, #2 freaking hillarious, #3 just freaky.
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