Friday, April 27, 2007

And They Call Me "The Batman"

So last night around 11:30 after I did some design work and was getting ready to go to bed and we here girls screaming at our door. And of course there was a bat in their room. Now if you have known me more than 5 seconds you know that i leap at chances like this. So I jubilantly went upstairs to be Mister Animal Catcher Guy. I walk into the room and there are TWO FREAKING BATS!!!! So I have is a pair of girls knit gloves a mesh back hat and a green towel. So I go after the first one that I finally wrangle into a trash can and as I grab it to put in a tupperware container, oh yeah it bites me on the finger.

Yeah, thats me getting bit on the finger by Bat # 1... Lets call him Bruce... Yes Bruce the (possibly rabid) Biting Bat. So I put him in his "FEMA" like transition home and went after his fiendish cohort... lets call him Wayne the (also possibly rabid) Winged Spawn of the Underworld.

Ah yes, there he is. So I tried to capture him with my net-hat and towel combo but failed miserably and finally resorted to brute force and slapped him with... He went down like a bat that got slapped mid air... (do they make bat-swatters? Sounds like my 1st million) So I reunited him with his eco-locating partner in crime.

One happy bug eating, girl terrorizing, blood sucking family. To make a long story short my time since their release has been spent trying to determine if I need to go get a FREAKING RABIES SHOT(S). And as I was typing this blog I found out the answeris... YES. 6 shots over a month long period. You know heres the funny thing, actually there are two funny things. 1- my mom always told I was going to end up with rabies from playing with all those animals and 2- Once I have been vaccinated I will be protected against rabies so I can continue my adventures with wildlife. I'm sure D will have something to say about that... Well there it is... fun times as the 1st Gentleman of Stu-Be.


Matt said...

Those are some pretty funny stories. Thanks for sharing. Also glad to hear you are into ministry. God bless

Unknown said...

You hurt the bat!!!! How could you! I'd have bit you too coming after me with a towel and all that other crap... but I hate that you have to go get shots. That really does bite (hee hee).

Deb said...

Yeah, they make bat swatters, they're called tennis rackets!

kris said...

you is crazy!!!

Anonymous said...

Dude we can't meet on Monday...what if you are angry and rabid. You might attack me and we both know that I suck at wrestling so you would pin me down and bite me and give me the gogalamoogala that you got from that bat! No sir, I ain't catching the rabies right before I get married.

Sarah said...

DUDE!!! You were supposed to keep those things to have them tested!!! I can't believe you let them loose to bite again!!!!!!! Man... I am glad I have a 5 mile buffer! Oh, wait... how far do bats travel for food? DANG!!!!